Inspired by the photos of Johaness (Griesshammer) and Arran (Dinsdorf) (in the last Lakes of the Clouds entry 8-14-10) packing out their personal belongings, including their skis, from Lakes at the end of the 2010 Summer Season, Douglas "Dougy" Dodd sent this photo of him leaving Lakes at the end of the summer of '69 with his skis. Dougy said the load weighed 140 lbs and he took it down the Tuckerman Ravine Trail with the comment that he "only fell once" followed by, "we did some pretty stupid stuff back then." My response is, "we did do some pretty stupid stuff (at times) and we loved it". I'm sure Johaness and Arran and most current croo would agree.
A significant tidbit of historical data is embedded in Dougy's photo and that's the elaborate flag pole set up that he's standing next to. That no longer exists. It confused me because I couldn't remember the flag pole ever having been there. Dougy said they frequently hung underwear from it.
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