Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4-16-13 L.C. Bliss' Alpine Zone of the Presidential Range; a 50th anniversary reproduction.

I've finished this project with brilliant results achieved by my printing wallah, Paradise Copies of Northampton. Its a 50th anniversary reproduction of Bliss' original study published in 1963 as his Master's degree at the University of Illinois. I changed the cover photo but the rest of the 68 page booklet is the same. It's a study of the geology, weather and plants of the Presidential Ridge with excellent black and white photos. The plant list is also excellent and comprehensive representing the entire 110 alpine and sub-alpine plants identified on the ridge. And it fits right into your pack. A number of folks wrote to say they would like copies. They're $7.50 each including postage and handling. Send me an email if you'd like to purchase a copy: macphail.alexander@gmail.com.

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