Sunday, November 16, 2008

Looking southwest across the Hancocks to Mt. Moosilauke, August 2008

The conservation-recreation alliance 100 years ago consisted of the AMC, which was founded in 1888 and created out of preexisting affiliations of White Mountain ‘groupies’, a strong contingent of mountain denizens in Randolph, NH, who formed the Randolph Mountain Club (RMC) in 1910 to address the enormously destructive logging occurring on the north slope of the Presidential Range. Many of the RMC members were also members of the AMC and vice versa. In addition, a founding member of the AMC, the famous path maker and meteorologist, J. Rayner Edmands, helped create the Society for the Preservation of New Hampshire Forests in 1901. Those organzations along with outing clubs and organization devoted to hiking and camping associated with colleges and universities and summer camps were also part of the loosely knit alliance that became a strong lobbying entity for the creation of the WMNF as it was directed primarily at unsavory logging practices.

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