Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4-22-14 Earth Day #54

    Looking east from Mt. Skinner early this morning.
 Sun begrudgingly makes an appearance as I start my hike.

 Taylor Notch Trail ascends Mt. Skinner from Rt. 47. It's not the White Mountains by any stretch of the imagination, but there's beauty here, and peace, particularly in the early morning.

I call this "Windy Corner" after the Windy Corner named by Charles Houston on K2. This one is
on the east shoulder of Mt. Skinner.

 Looking north up the Connecticut River Valley

 Oh sleepy town of Northampton.

Carrington, a kindred spirit who climbs Mt. Skinner "almost everyday." Our paths have crossed many times via mutual friends and our affinity for Mt. Skinner. This was our first face-to-face meeting and a great pleasure. Happy Earth Day all!

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