On weekends when I stay home from the mountains to study for my "big" exam or catch up on job-related paper work I take breaks (and try to stay in shape) by running up nearby "Mt." Skinner alias Mount Holyoke (which the prestigious women's college was named for or vice versa). It's not really a mountain but has some cool glacial history and a 900 foot gain on a fairly steep incline so if nothing else it's a good workout with spectacular views.

This is the north view towards Vermont and New Hampshire which are over there in the distance along with the Connecticut River which meanders down through the valley, and, over to the right, the University of Massachusetts physics building is gleaming in the sun. This very spot was once the southern terminus of Glacial Lake Hitchcock that formed when the Wisconsian ice sheet melted.

And this is the view west towards Mt. Greylock (highest in Massachusetts) which is just visible on the skyline. Vermont's Mt. Stratton and Mt. Snow are on the right skyline.
I'm writing to announce the completion of the long blog piece on felsenmeer that I began two months ago (11-07-09). I'll probably do more rewritng on it as I like to tinker with things but it is essentially finished if anyone wants to read it in its completed form. In it I have promised not to mention the word "felsenmeer" again. We can all use a break, I think.
Glad you got out for a break!
ReplyDeleteI don't suppose you've ever been able to find the vantage point from which the Thomas Cole painting "The Oxbow" was painted? Just comparing your 2nd photo with the painting shows how much the area has changed since the painting was created....
Hi Jason,It's good to hear from you. An artist friend found the exact place that captures the perspective of Cole's painting. It's close to the southwest corner of the state park building and the trees have overgrown the view of the oxbow.How are things in Thetford?
ReplyDeleteThings in Thetford are good! Looks like I'll be hiking on Sunday, so life is good ;-)