Just below 2nd crossing he heard a roar, saw a wall of water heading towards him, dropped his pack board and climbed a nearby tree getting hit with the wall of water in the process. He was able to hold on and climb high enough to get out of the hydraulic pressure. In a short time the water level dropped. He couldn’t find his pack board, it was getting dark and he headed up to the hut. As he came up the trail, at one point, he stepped out onto the immense track of the slide, a 100 yards wide and extending a half mile up the mountain to the ridge (above photo), that had come down between the time he packed down and when he began packing back up to the hut. It looked as though the slide had gone all the way across the river and dammed it up temporarily. There was so much water backed up by the slide that it burst through the dam in a few hours sending the flood down the valley.
Parkie found several overnight guests at the hut when he go back who had arrived during his absence and were shaken by the severity of the storm. Several windows were broken from the wind and it was pouring buckets of water. End of story. Now, when I tell this story at gatherings there are a number of people who take issue with it, Bob Cary being one of those. Cary worked in the huts at the time and says it definitely wasn’t Parkie that was on the trail that day but he can’t say who it was. I wasn’t around then so I haven’t a clue, just the way I first heard the story. It’s a good story and I kinda like the name Parkie. We’ll worry about the details later.
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